




The Path

The Path

From our Easter Sunday photo shoot with the Hawaii Photo Forum and our friend Kalia & her friends as models. Great shoot

I just might be crazy

So lets just take stock here for a second…I’m a Father, a soon to be Husband (long overdue I know), a Resident Manager, an Aikido Sensei and the Secretary of my aikido club’s Board of Directors, a Professional Photographer (toy photos but still), a Photographer’s Assistant, an Ametur Actor with dreams of a professional carrier in the future, and as if all of that is not enough I’ve just added batender back to my list of titles….yup crazy I be!

but hey I’ve lost 5 pounds since I started dieting and soon it looks like I’ll be taking on the Insanity Workout Plan….definately off my rocker.

83 Days till “I Do”

Up at 8…which is sleeping in for me and did a guided meditation with the Leela Demo I got from the XBox game market. The Demo only unlocks the first of many guided meditations and mind sharpening games. After that if was time for some more Just Dance 3…hooray. Now the fam and I are off for breakfast with Grandma, grocery shopping, a photo shoot with Nikki’s next client, and then a gathering at a friends house this evening. Today I will remember to EAT SLOWLY! and keep my coffee black.

I’m so excited but at the same time I’m so worried that I won’t have the determination to lose enough weight to have my gut disappear. I’ve got 84 days till I marry this beautiful woman…..so that means I’ve got 84 day to get my rear end in shape.

I’m going to adjust my lifestyle slowly but drastically as the month of December. My biggest fear is that I’ll use the whole “It’s Christmas” as an excuse to gorge myself on sweets and fatty foods. My affirmation for today is to remind myself that there will be many more Christmas’s but the Wedding will only happen once! so suck it up and loose those extra pounds!

So far today I’ve had my coffee without the cream and sugar and I’ve done 15 minutes of dancing with Just Dance 3 on my XBox. I plan to some lifting (15 lbs.) and some planking before the day is out.

I’m currently around 250 pounds…at 6’2″ so I could stand to lose at least one fifth of my body weight. Some might think I’m crazy but don’t worry I won’t be starving myself or anything insane.


As I sit here a month or so past the closing night of Hairspray and still missing it terribly I can’t help but wonder…how does one measure success? Is it measured in doing the things we set out to do in life like chasing dreams and seeing them fufilled? Is it measured in the amount of money we make regardless of the profession so that we can provide for our loved ones and keep them happy? Is it in how others percieve us or envy us for what we may or may not have? I don’t think so. I believe success is measured in how we live our daily lives. Each day the choices we make that affect others. In making sure that you’re never the reason someone else has a bad day because of your words or actions. In making sure your family knows you love them and would do anything, ANYTHING to keep them safe and happy. And it’s in remembering that your self worth isn’t governed by anything but how you see yourself.

I want to be an actor more than anything else in the whole world. I’ve tried many times to consider other options, easier options, but everytime my heart screams at me to never give up. I believe that someday I’ll get my chance to make my mark in the entertainment industry.

But until I do I take comfort in the reality that I’m not alone. I have an amazing lady who loves me fiercly and children that adore me and think the world of me. I have a job that’s made it possible for us to have a decent life, for now, and that allows me the freedom to pursue my dream (even if for now its at only a limited basis).
So in that very real way I’m successful….in so many of the really important ways. And no spelling is not an area where I’ve ever been successful…maybe I should work on that while I wait on my acting opportunity.:)

Hairspray-the-Broadway-Musical, originally uploaded by Chris Gritti.

I’m so excited to be a part of this production…it opens soon so if you live in Hawaii or will be visiting soon get your tickets asap. It was just extended till the 7th of August.